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Blood culture from a cvad

When you are drawing blood for culture from a CVAD - do you draw a sample for culture from all lumens or just from one?


Thanks very much



It is unclear as per the IDSA guidelines

Hello, in the IDSA guidelines for the management of CLABSI, it says:

 16. If a blood sample cannot be drawn from a peripheral vein, it is recommended that more than (or equal to) 2 blood samples should be drawn through different catheter lumens (B-III). It is unclear whether blood cultures should be drawn through all catheter lumens in such circumstances (C-III).

Sorry for not having a clear cut answer...


France Paquet, RN, M.Sc. CVAA(c), VA-BC(TM)
Clinical Practice Consultant, Vasc. Access & IV therapy
Transition Support Office,
McGill University Health Center


France Paquet, RN, MSC, VA-BC(TM), CVAA(c)
Clinical Practice Consultant, IV therapy and Vascular Access
Transition support office
McGill University Health Center
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

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